Lampros Tech

NFT Consulting

We guide your creative talents towards rewards with NFT Consulting. Launch your own Non-Fungible Tokens or NFT project with the guidance of our experts.

Mint your creativity and become an NFT artist with our consulting.

Our NFT Consulting Services

Digital NFT Strategy

We help you see the potential you and/or your brand carry. We strategize the ways you can monetize these valuable skills and talents using Non Fungible Tokens, from concert tickets to an exclusive collection of books.

Decentralized Autonomous Orgs

DAOs open up a vast window of opportunities to successfully launch Non Fungible Tokens and eliminate all the decision-making problems. A good strategy is all it needs to avail the benefits of DAO, and we help exactly in that.

Ecosystem Building

Our team of experts evaluates, strategies and designs an ecosystem that would be perfect for your Non Fungible Tokens. We customize the ecosystem as per your goals, after thorough research and market study.

Gaming, Sports and Metaverse

Virtual Reality is the future for gaming, sports and metaverse and Non Fungible Tokens plays a crucial part in it. Our experts assist you in steps you can take to reap the benefits.

Community Building

Non Fungible Tokes can help build huge communities with similar interests and goals. We help you strategize how you can start a community in web 3.0 and implement Non Fungible Tokens in it.

Benefits of NFT Projects



NFT Projects are created in a decentralized marketplace using blockchain, which allows you to earn a royalty fee or commission every time your NFT is exchanged. NFT Projects eliminates any middleman and sells directly to the buyer, there is no third-party involvement at all which means you can set your own commission fees.


NFT Projects verify the sole creator and store the data in the blockchain. This eliminates any duplication, plagiarism or swindling of the NFT Project.


Every NFT is unique, no two NFTs can look alike. This is possible with the help of the token that stores the entire information and data in it.

Secure and Reliable

The NFT Projects are secure and protected against hackers and fradulents, as it is made using blockchain technology making the trading process immune against any cyber attacks.



All NFTs are collectibles and one of a kind, their price increases over time. So, if you buy a NFT then it wouldn’t be too presumptuous to assume that profits are on the horizon.

Why Get NFT Consulting?


We guide your creative talents towards rewards with NFT Consulting. Launch your own Non-Fungible Tokens or NFT project with the guidance of our experts.


Industries That Can Benefit From NFTs

Virtual Events

Event Organizers can plan events in the virtual space and tokenize the tickets in the form of NFTs. So, even if the NFT Ticket is exchanged or sold at a higher price to another individual the organizer gets the royalty fees.



Musicians can tokenize music and eliminate piracy. Aspiring artists don’t have to struggle for a platform to earn money, and can earn direct revenue from every sale or exchange.


Insurance can be brokered easily using NFTs. You can make an insurance policy or claim into a token and sell it.


Artists can trade their work in the form of NFT, without any middleman. They can enjoy all the royalty fees and revenues solely.

Fashion Designers

Designers can launch their own NFT collection, by creating a unique line and then tokenizing it. The unique collection cannot be duplicated and the value of these collectibles increases as well.

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

The value of two cryptocurrencies can be similar, but the value of each NFT is unique.

You can claim ownership over NFTs and then either trade them off for a profit or hold them as long term investments.

You can turn anything that is unique into an NFT. It can either be art, gaming, picture, music, video game collectibles, meme or even a GIF.


Preschool Website

Bonvie Welness Website



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