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Everything You Need to Know About Blockchain Scalability

Everyone is well aware of the revolutionary potential of blockchain technology ever since its inception in 2008. It has the power to reshape industries, disrupt traditional systems, and usher in a new era of digital transformation. However, as blockchain adoption continues to surge, a critical challenge looms large: Scalability. 

This comprehensive blog delves deep into the realm of blockchain scalability, aiming to provide you with a thorough understanding of its significance, solutions, consensus mechanisms, challenges, and future trends.

The Blockchain Scalability Trilemma

What is Blockchain Scalability

Why is Scalability Crucial for Blockchain

The Growing Need for Scalable Blockchain Solutions

Blockchain Scalability Solutions

Blockchain Consensus Mechanisms and Scalability

Challenges and Trade-offs in Scalability

Future Trends in Blockchain Scalability


The Blockchain Scalability Trilemma

The term ‘Scalability Trilemma’ was first coined by Vitalik Buterin in 2018 because it is believed that there is an inherent tension between the three crucial elements on which blockchain was built and that it is difficult for a blockchain network to achieve optimal levels of all three. 

The three crucial elements of the blockchain are decentralization, security, and speed. Among these, decentralization and security take center stage as the foundational design principles. They collaborate closely to fortify the blockchain against potentially devastating attacks. However, this partnership often involves a trade-off with speed and scalability, which refers to the blockchain’s ability to handle more transactions and grow. 

Firstly, security is at the core of blockchain’s strength. It relies on consensus mechanisms like Proof of Work (PoW) or Proof of Stake (PoS) to ensure the validity and security of transactions. Nevertheless, as transaction volumes rise, maintaining this high level of security becomes more complex.

Secondly, decentralization is a fundamental principle of blockchain, ensuring that no single entity has control over the network. Upholding decentralization is vital for trust and transparency. However, solutions aimed at increasing scalability sometimes introduce risks of centralization.

Lastly, speed is crucial for blockchain to compete with traditional financial systems, which process transactions swiftly. Yet, enhancing transaction speed can potentially lead to security vulnerabilities or compromises in decentralization. Balancing these three elements is an ongoing challenge for the blockchain industry.

This trilemma creates a challenging situation for blockchain developers, requiring them to find a delicate balance between security, decentralization, and transaction speed.  Also, some have suggested that making blockchain faster and more capable might make it less secure and less decentralized. Moreover, achieving scalability while maintaining the pillars of security, decentralization, and speed requires innovative solutions and trade-offs. 

However, it’s essential to realize that improving scalability is crucial for blockchain networks to effectively compete with traditional centralized platforms. By striking the right balance, blockchain networks can continue to evolve and revolutionize various sectors, realizing their full potential.

What Is Blockchain Scalability?

Blockchain scalability is the key to unlocking the full blockchain potential.

Imagine a highway during rush hour. When there are only a few cars on the road, it flows smoothly and without delays. However, as more and more vehicles join the commute, traffic jams start to appear, slowing down the journey for everyone irrespective of what side of the road they are on. Just as widening the highway or finding more efficient routes can alleviate congestion, blockchain scalability solutions aim to ensure a smooth flow of transactions even as the network becomes busier.

Simply put,

Blockchain scalability refers to the ability of a blockchain network to handle an increasing number of transactions or data without compromising its performance, security, or decentralization.” 

Scalability is a key metric that determines a blockchain’s usability and effectiveness in the real world.

Why Is Scalability Crucial for Blockchain?

Scalability is an essential need for blockchain for several reasons. Some of them are:

  • Increased Transaction Throughput: Scalability in blockchain allows for more transactions to be processed per second. This is essential because traditional blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum have faced issues with slow transaction processing times and high fees due to limited scalability. More scalable networks record faster transaction throughput than them.
  • Mass Adoption:  To become a viable alternative to traditional systems, blockchain networks must accommodate a large number of users and transactions. Scalable blockchain networks can accommodate a larger number of users and applications, making them more appealing to businesses and individuals. 
  • Reduced Costs: Scalability can lower transaction fees, making blockchain applications more affordable and accessible. This is important for users and businesses as blockchain networks that can scale effectively can reduce the cost of conducting transactions or running decentralized applications (dApps).
  • Ecosystem Growth: Scalability also encourages the growth of the blockchain ecosystem. Scalable blockchain networks attract developers to build innovative dApps, attracting more users and investors, and creating a self-reinforcing growth cycle.
  • Interoperability: Scalability can facilitate interoperability between different blockchain networks. Scalable solutions like Layer 2 solutions or cross-chain protocols enable blockchain networks to work together more efficiently.

The Growing Need for Scalable Blockchain Solutions

Blockchain scalability has become a critical concern due to the increasing adoption of blockchain technology across various industries. Blockchain emerged as a system that allows interaction without the need for a central authority. In this network, all the nodes are equals, and you might wonder how things work smoothly without someone in charge. Well, every single node in the network is built with the capability to take charge and ensure seamless transactions.

But here’s the catch: The surge in users and transactions has placed a significant strain on blockchain networks. This is what we call the blockchain scalability problem. Even though blockchain has been around for quite a while, this issue with handling lots of transactions can slow down its progress and make it harder for mass adoption.

According to a 2018 research report by Tata Communications, 44% of the organizations they surveyed were starting to use blockchain. However, the study also hinted at the common challenges that come with introducing new technologies.

Early networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum suffered from slow transaction speeds and high fees, which hindered their ability to handle large transaction volumes. This limitation further prompted the industry to seek scalable solutions to accommodate the growing demand for blockchain services. 

Furthermore, the rise of enterprise use cases, decentralized finance (DeFi), and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have further emphasized the need for scalability. Enterprises now require blockchain platforms capable of efficiently handling a multitude of transactions, while DeFi and NFT applications have driven up transaction activity. In this competitive landscape, it is necessary for blockchain projects to prioritize scalability to remain attractive to both developers and users. 

Read More: 10 Blockchains With the Highest Transaction Speeds in 2023

Blockchain Scalability Solutions

Blockchain scalability solutions

Blockchain scalability solutions come in various forms, each with its own set of advantages and trade-offs. Here are some of the most prominent ones:

Layer 1 vs. Layer 2 Scaling Solutions

The primary goal of Layer 1 scaling solutions is to operate independently, as evidenced by their self-sustaining and foundational nature. They encompass all essential components, including the data availability layer, consensus layer, and execution layer, within their framework. Layer 1 scaling solutions are primarily focused on enhancing the foundational layer of a blockchain, while Layer 2 solutions are designed to build upon this foundation. 

Layer 2 solutions within the blockchain domain are specialized protocols crafted to augment the scalability, privacy, and other aspects of the underlying Layer 1 blockchain, whether it’s Bitcoin or Ethereum. These solutions encompass various approaches, including state channels, sidechains, optimistic Rollups, and zero-knowledge roll-ups.

A notable Layer 2 solution is Sidechains, which are separate blockchains interconnected with a primary chain, facilitating asset transfers between them. Although sidechains enhance interoperability, they rely on their security mechanisms, such as Proof-of-Stake or Proof-of-Work.

Optimistic Roll-ups, tailored specifically for Ethereum, also offer an alternative Layer 2 approach by permitting off-chain execution of smart contracts. This reduces the strain on the Ethereum network and lowers transaction costs. However, it introduces an “optimistic” assumption about transaction validity, requiring a verification period before funds can be withdrawn to the Ethereum main chain. 

Finally, Zero-Knowledge Rollups utilize zero-knowledge proofs (ZK-proofs) to validate batches of transactions while disclosing minimal data to the main chain. This technology bolsters blockchain privacy, enabling transaction verification without revealing sensitive information, and holds significant potential for secure data transmission in enterprise applications. These Layer 2 solutions address scalability, cost efficiency, and privacy concerns.

Notable examples of ZK-rollup blockchains

Starknet, developed by Starkware, has entered its Alpha phase on the Ethereum Mainnet. It operates as a permissionless decentralized Layer 2 blockchain powered by zk-rollups. Like other Layer 2 solutions, Starknet processes transactions and bundles transaction data into batches, secured by STARK proofs.

Polygon ZK EVM also launched its Mainnet on the 27th of March, 2023. In addition to this, Polygon offers a privacy-focused ZK-enabled roll-up known as ‘Nightfall,’ developed in collaboration with Ernst & Young, with a specific focus on enterprise use cases.

These ZK-rollup solutions are proof of advancements in blockchain technology, emphasizing scalability and privacy enhancements.


Sharding, as a technological concept, predates the blockchain industry and has its origins in a technology known as “database partitioning.” 

It involves the distribution of a single dataset across multiple databases, which are then stored on multiple machines.”

This enables the division of large datasets into smaller segments stored on various data nodes, effectively expanding the system’s storage capacity. When data is distributed across multiple machines, a sharded database can accommodate a greater volume of requests compared to a single machine.

This approach ensures that each node isn’t burdened with handling the entire network’s transactional workload. Instead, each node is responsible for managing data related to its specific division or shard.

However,  a shard’s information may still be accessible across other nodes, this maintains the ledger’s security and decentralization, as every node retains the ability to view all ledger entries; they simply do not process and store every piece of data.

In the blockchain, 

“Sharding is a scalability technique that divides a blockchain’s network into smaller, manageable segments called ‘shards’.”

 Each shard possesses its distinct data, setting it apart from the other shards and giving it a unique identity. The function of each shard is to process a portion of transactions, enhancing scalability by parallelizing transaction processing. 

The primary benefit of implementing sharding in a blockchain is a notable enhancement in scalability. Sharding enables a blockchain to incorporate more nodes and accommodate larger volumes of data, all without causing significant delays in transaction processing. This capability has the potential to accelerate the adoption of blockchain technology across various sectors.

Zilliqa is the first public blockchain platform to successfully implement sharding. Furthermore, the Ethereum Foundation has intentions to incorporate sharding into Ethereum 2.0.

Additionally, there are other blockchain initiatives, such as Cardano and QuarkChain, that have either adopted sharding or are in the process of adopting it as a strategy to address scalability challenges.

State Channels and Off-Chain Scaling

State Channels and Off-Chain Scaling in blockchain scalability

This Layer 2 solution is the process of off-chain interactions between participants. 

“It means that users can conduct transactions directly with each other outside of the blockchain, reducing the need for on-chain operations.”

This method allows them to transact privately without the involvement of the main blockchain. 

At a superficial glance, it may appear that transactions within state channels lack the same security as on-chain transactions. However, it is exciting to know that these off-chain transactions are also backed up by the same level of security as those performed on-chain.

Notably, the key insight here is that an equivalent level of security can be achieved while conserving network resources all at the same time. Additionally, each transaction is signed in the same manner as a valid Ethereum transaction, ensuring a robust security protocol.

This method takes the pressure off the main blockchain and also enhances the throughput of public blockchains by reducing the computational burden on nodes when handling and storing transactions. This helps greatly with scalability.

Read More: What Is Delegated Proof Of Stake Consensus?

Blockchain Consensus Mechanisms and Scalability

A consensus mechanism is like a digital referee for blockchain transactions. It ensures that all participants in the network agree on the validity of transactions.

Consensus mechanisms serve as a foundational pillar of blockchain technology. This is because it enables decentralized networks to achieve consensus regarding the network’s state and the validity of transactions.

Take for instance; there’s a group chat where a number of friends decide what movie to watch. Everyone needs to agree on the movie choice; otherwise, it’s chaos. Similarly, in a blockchain, 

“Consensus mechanisms ensure that every participant agrees on the order of transactions and that they’re not altered or tampered with. Without this agreement, the effectiveness of a blockchain network is compromised because these participants require assurance that transactions remain unaltered and untampered with.”

The pioneer cryptocurrency, Bitcoin which came to be in 2009 employed a Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanism. However, over time, PoW’s limitations have come into view with challenges related to speed, scalability, and substantial energy consumption.

Consequently, to address these challenges, alternative mechanisms like Proof of Stake, have been devised. These various consensus algorithms employ distinct approaches and work differently to validate transactions. However, the overall aim is to make blockchain networks faster and more energy-sufficient. It’s like trying different methods to cook a meal – each one has its own recipe for success!

Proof of Stake (PoS) and Scalability

Proof of Stake

According to Garrick Hileman, the head of research at when he was interviewed by Business Insider,

“In Proof-of-Stake, the cryptocurrency holders’ vote’ to approve legitimate transactions. As a reward for voting on legitimate transactions, ‘stakers’ are paid in newly created cryptocurrency over time.”

Proof-of-Stake is a consensus mechanism that represents the primary competitor to Proof-of-Work’s reliance on hardware and electricity for its operation. It eliminates energy-intensive mining and enhances scalability by allowing validators to create new blocks based on their stake in the network.

The protocol was first designed by the acclaimed developer Sunny King in 2011. The process, however, took a significant step forward in 2012 when King released the official whitepaper explaining the PoS algorithm. In the same vein, Peercoin was the first cryptocurrency to adopt this mechanism in 2012.

The awesome thing is that PoS offers improved scalability and faster transaction processing as opposed to PoW. This is because it doesn’t require solving extremely complicated equations, allowing transactions and blocks to be confirmed more swiftly.

Also, PoS doesn’t depend on physical machines to achieve consensus. As a result, it’s more scalable. Since it’s a simpler and more energy-friendly process, there’s no requirement for massive mining operations or extensive energy resources. Adding more validators to the network becomes a more cost-effective, straightforward, and accessible process.

Proof of Stake (PoS) currently stands as the dominant consensus mechanism embraced by well-known networks such as Ethereum (ETH), BNB, and Avalanche (AVAX). 

Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) for Faster Transactions

The Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism operates through a democratic process. In simple terms,

Network users participate in a voting system to select delegates, also known as witnesses or block producers, who will be responsible for validating blocks.”

Each blockchain using this consensus method has a set limit on the number of delegates chosen for each block, and this number can vary from one blockchain to another. Consequently, the delegates for one block may not be the same as those for the next.

To determine these delegates, users cast their votes by pooling their tokens into a staking pool and associating them with a specific delegate. The delegate who accumulates the most tokens is then granted the privilege of validating a block and earns transaction fees as a reward. Subsequently, the delegate distributes these rewards to users who support them, based on each user’s stake.

Crucially, users retain control over the system, allowing them to vote out delegates if they engage in malicious activities on the network. Consequently, delegates with strong reputations are typically elected as witnesses, ensuring the integrity of the DPoS system.

Due to the network’s limited number of delegates, the consensus is quicker and as a result of this, enhanced performance is ensured. Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) is a more specialized and less commonly utilized method. 

Examples of DPoS

The initial version of DPoS emerged in 2014, courtesy of Dan Larimer, who served as the former Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of EOS. Larimer introduced this consensus algorithm for the first time on the decentralized cryptocurrency exchange platform, BitShares, in 2015. 

Currently, EOS operates as an open-source blockchain renowned for its scalability and minimal latency, with a fixed group of 21 delegates responsible for transaction validation and the addition of new blocks. 

Also, Tron, founded by Justin Sun, operates as a cost-effective platform where delegates bear the title of Super Representatives (SRs). Users participate by staking TRX tokens to vote for five SRs during each election, with the top 27 candidates selected becoming witnesses. Meanwhile, Sui, developed by former Meta engineers, boasts exceptional speed and cost-efficiency as a decentralized blockchain. It employs a set of fixed validators chosen by SUI token holders based on their share of the total stake. 

Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) and Scalability

In 1999, Miguel Castro and Barbara Liskov introduced the PBFT protocol as a solution to address the challenges posed by the Byzantine Generals Problem. This concept draws its name from this hypothetical scenario known as the Byzantine Generals Problem, which revolves around a group of Byzantine generals facing a challenging logical dilemma.

“Byzantine Fault Tolerance refers to a computer system’s capability to maintain its operation even in the presence of node failures or malicious behavior.”

To complete a transaction successfully, a collective of nodes must reach a consensus on its validity. Every blockchain network adheres to a specific set of rules, known as a consensus algorithm, which dictates how its nodes come to an agreement regarding transactions.

This consensus algorithm essentially enables a blockchain to attain Byzantine Fault Tolerance. In the world of cryptocurrencies, which are decentralized by nature, this involves addressing a grand-scale version of the Byzantine Generals Problem. The blockchain must be capable of operating reliably even in the presence of malfunctioning nodes or nodes that may be intentionally sharing incorrect information.

The goal of a Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) mechanism is to protect the system from failures by utilizing a process of collective decision-making involving both correct and faulty nodes. This approach aims to minimize the impact of the faulty nodes on the system’s integrity and as a result, improve the scalability of the network. BFT is a consensus algorithm that can achieve high throughput and low latency, making it suitable for scalable blockchains.

Challenges and Trade-offs in Scalability

While scalability is paramount, it comes with challenges and trade-offs:

Security vs. Scalability

Security versus scalability in blockchain

Security is a paramount factor in blockchain. It is what ensures that transactions are tamper-proof and that the integrity of the ledger is maintained. Traditional blockchain networks like Bitcoin, which use the Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanism, excel in security and that is because PoW is incredibly robust against attacks due to its computational intensity.

On the other hand, scalability refers to a blockchain’s ability to handle an increasing number of transactions. In essence, it is the network’s capacity to grow and serve more users and applications. Scalability is vital for blockchain’s widespread adoption because it ensures that the network can handle the load without slowing down or becoming congested.

However, herein lies the dilemma: as blockchain networks grow, they tend to become slower and more resource-intensive due to the increased security measures. The challenge is to find ways to maintain a high level of security while simultaneously improving scalability.

It is believed that increasing scalability can potentially compromise network security. Striking the right equilibrium and balance between the two is essential for sustainable growth.

Read More: What are Decentralized Autonomous Organizations? A Brief Introduction.

Interoperability Challenges in Scalable Blockchains

“Interoperability is the ability of different blockchain networks to communicate and work seamlessly together.”

Achieving interoperability is crucial for fostering a connected blockchain ecosystem where various chains can interact and share data and assets. This is particularly important for industries like finance, supply chain, and healthcare, where data must flow freely and securely.

Scalability, on the other hand, refers to a blockchain’s capacity to handle an increasing number of transactions efficiently. It’s about enabling a blockchain network to grow without becoming congested or slow. Scalability is essential for mainstream adoption, ensuring that blockchain can handle the demands of a global user base.

As blockchain networks scale, interoperability becomes a challenge. The challenge majorly arises from the fact that improving one often comes at the expense of the other. Enhancing interoperability can make a blockchain more complex and potentially compromise scalability while focusing too much on scalability might hinder a blockchain’s ability to interact with other networks.

In recent years, scalability has emerged as a major concern to blockchain networks. Now, exciting trends and developments that promise to address the scalability challenges faced by blockchain networks are being worked on. This will usher in a new era of efficiency and accessibility for users and developers alike. The future of blockchain scalability looks promising with these developments. Let’s take a look at two notable ones:

Ethereum 2.0 and Its Scalability Enhancements

Ethereum 2.0.

Scalability has consistently posed a major challenge for the Ethereum platform. This is because with the growing adoption of decentralized applications on the network, there is an exponential surge in transactions and this is a pressing concern. Also, as the volume of transactions surged within the Ethereum network, so did the associated gas costs. 

Now, this begs the question: if Ethereum aims to serve as the foundation for the next generation of the Internet, how is that viable with these challenges? Won’t its practicality diminish significantly?

Ethereum 2.0. is the answer to these questions. Also known as Eth2 or Serenity,  this is the long-awaited revolution and upgrade to the Ethereum network.  The proposed upgrades under Ethereum 2.0 primarily target the scalability problem. Its central premise is the enhancement of network scalability while maintaining security and decentralization. This upgrade occurred in a series of three consecutive phases. The initial phase involved the introduction of the beacon chain in 2020, followed by the merger in September 2022, and ultimately culminating in the implementation of sharding.

Fortunately, Ethereum 2.0 is poised to overcome the challenges of the previous version by introducing significant features that will set it apart from the Ethereum we are familiar with, ushering in a new era of improved speed, efficiency, and scalability.

Key Features of Ethereum 2.0

  • Enhanced Energy Efficiency: Ethereum is set to achieve a staggering 99.95% improvement in energy efficiency, potentially eliminating the need for power equivalent to that of an entire nation.
  • Sharding for Efficiency: Ethereum will undergo a transformation into 18 individual “Shards,” operating concurrently to significantly boost network efficiency.
  • Transition to Proof-of-Stake: Ethereum will make the transition to a Proof-of-Stake Consensus mechanism. This will enable widespread participation in network security through staking.
  • Enhanced Security Measures: Proof-of-Stake will render compromising the network considerably more costly. Additionally, the transparency of validator addresses will make it easier to identify potential attackers, allowing for the possibility of forking them away from the network.

Notably, achieving this has been a long-standing goal. However, due to the inherent complexity of securely scaling a blockchain, it necessitates several years of development. 

Cross-Chain Solutions for Scalability

One solution with a lot of potential for the scalability challenge is cross-chain functionality. 

“Cross-chain functionality in blockchain refers to the ability of different blockchain networks to communicate, interact, transfer data, and share information with each other.”

This functionality improves flexibility, and facilitates seamless interaction and data exchange between diverse blockchain networks, offering enhanced scalability and adaptability. Consequently, decentralized applications (dApps) can harness multiple blockchain networks instead of being confined to a single one. By distributing their workload across various networks, dApps can significantly bolster their scalability.

The advantages of cross-chain functionality are particularly pronounced in the realms of decentralized finance (DeFi) and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). These applications demand substantial scalability due to their handling of extensive financial transactions and data. Through the utilization of cross-chain functionality, DeFi and DAOs can expedite their transactions.

Cross-chain solutions for blockchain scalability

For instance, within the DeFi sector, cross-chain functionality facilitates seamless transactions across different blockchain networks. This, in turn, opens up access to a wider array of financial services and products, such as lending, borrowing, and trading, without being hindered by the constraints of a single blockchain network. Furthermore, it ensures that DeFi dApps process transactions swiftly and efficiently.

DAOs also reap the rewards of cross-chain functionality. DAOs operate as decentralized organizations managed by their members, rather than a central authority. With cross-chain functionality, DAOs can streamline transactions even during high-traffic periods. This enables swift decision-making and action execution, without being constrained by the limitations of a single blockchain network.

Notably, cross-chain functionality has the potential to mitigate the scalability issues that plague blockchain networks to a large extent. By enabling interoperability among different blockchain networks, it significantly enhances the system’s flexibility and efficiency. Also, cross-chain bridges and data interoperability reduce the dependence on centralized intermediaries, resulting in lower transaction fees and quicker transaction processing times.

Read More: Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Ethereum 2.0!


Despite blockchain’s prominence, public blockchain networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum have not disrupted as many industries as largely expected. This is due to the fundamental problem of scalability. 

This issue has become a significant concern, particularly when applying blockchain in real-world business scenarios. Notably, major cryptocurrencies are also grappling with scalability problems. 

In this blog, it is obvious that scalability is a multi-faceted concept encompassing factors that are often interrelated and connected, directly or indirectly, to the choice of consensus mechanism. It is safe to say that scalability in a blockchain network boils down to the choice of consensus mechanism.

Blockchain scalability is the key to unlocking the full potential of this revolutionary technology. As it continues to evolve and adapt to the demands of the digital age, scalable blockchain solutions will play a major role in ultimately transforming the way we interact with the digital world.