Lampros Tech

What is the Ethereum Virtual Machine?

Every computer contains a super fast processor in desktops, a separate component known as the CPU or Central Processing Unit. What does Ethereum have? The EVM, duh!

Let’s dig in further to (learn) about this fantastic technology!

The Ethereum Virtual Machine is an online machine that is a processing environment for all the activities occurring in the blockchain.

Also, this virtual machine is in-built within the Ethereum architecture. The virtual machine manages the deployment of smart contracts.

Ethereum coins in a tray with pink gemstones

In addition, it ensures the on-time execution of the smart contracts as soon as the Smart Contract conditions satisfy.

Although the Ethereum Virtual Machine doesn’t compute the complex transactions that occur on-chain, it is responsible for the regular and timely updates of the state of a block to the network.

Need for the EVM

The EVM / Ethereum Virtual Machine is the run-time ecosystem of the Ethereum network. It is a Turing complete, programmable software that executes commands to generate outcomes. These outcomes, at times, may even be random.

The EVM functions like a computer, operating similarly to Bitcoin by storing data and executing its roles. But this time, it’s got an extra responsibility to deploy and maintain Smart Contracts.

The Ethereum logo in a pink background

Moreover, it also handles programs that are built on the Ethereum blockchain. All programs in Ethereum are made by a coding language known as Solidity.

Solidity is extra special among all programming languages just because all Smart Contracts are programmed in Solidity only, inside Ethereum.

However, the EVM is gracious to call Smart Contracts that get written in any other EVM-compatible language.

Working of EVM

The Ethereum Virtual Machine runs on the blockchain through 2 parts – the EVM & Uncles.

The EVM is essential software. It is responsible for creating new tokens, implementing scripts, and handling operations in the Ethereum blockchain.

And, Scripts are simply instructions to the computer. These instructions ensure the computer knows what to do next after a particular task and how to execute the function/ program effectively.

Furthermore, the EVM requires access throughout the network to carry out its responsibilities within Ethereum, such as deploying and managing smart contracts when the time comes.

In addition, the EVM has an Ethereum Virtual Machine Node. These are specialized nodes in Ethereum that are specific to Smart Contract implementation.

Smart Contracts are self-executing pieces of code containing an agreement between 2 or more parties and the terms and conditions to which both parties agree.

So, when the EVM deploys the Smart Contract on the network, the Smart Contract behaves like another Ethereum account. Except for this time, it can operate on its own.

An Ethereum coin amidst computing hardware

Meanwhile, Mining Nodes in Ethereum take care of scribing every transaction that occurs in the Ethereum blockchain.

Uncles are tiny bits of Smart Contracts or data stored inside the Ethereum blockchain. Uncles are a vital feature because it permits storing metadata about a program. 

The EVM Assembly is the bytecode of EVM. It functions as the internal programming language in the EVM.

And to answer the most obvious question about the EVM – What powers the Ethereum Virtual Machine or the Ethereum Network? Gas.

The Ethereum network will fail to operate in the absence of Gas. Just as a vehicle needs gasoline to locomote, Gas is the “fuel” that provides the energy to carry out the functions within the network blockchain.


The EVM, or the Ethereum Virtual Machine, is the computer-analog processing machine that processes all acts occurring in the blockchain network. 

The prime function of the Virtual Machine is to deploy Smart Contracts inside Ethereum’s ecosystem.

Its secondary operation is to store data, update the block state and provide instructions to the network.

Ethereum’s Virtual Machine is specific to deploying Smart Contracts written in Solidity. The virtual machine will deploy smart contracts written in languages compatible with it.

Gas is not just the transaction fee a node/client/user pays for the transfer to occur but also functions as the powering fuel to blockchains’ virtual engine.

Can you imagine another engine that works round the clock just for Smart Contracts? List it down below! And let us know what Virtual Machine you like to work with!