Lampros Tech

8 SEO Strategies You Can Adopt In 2023!

Writing copies isn’t easy. Marketing isn’t easy. But we can course through the year if you employ the top SEO strategies in 2023.

Search Engine Optimization. It’s the process of optimizing your content for the search engine to crawl and display it.

And once upon a time, all the great SEO strategists came down and laid guidelines on how to write a decent SEO-optimized copy. 

Yet, staying up-to-date with trends is essential to crafting your strategies. 

After analyzing different methods of searching on the web. we present to you the TOP 8 strategies to optimize your content for SEO for 2023!

Content Distribution

Many platforms support many forms and different types of content. It then becomes essential for you to establish yourself on the platform and stand out amongst the crowd.

Content distribution is a great way to ensure your content in all forms and formats is present to serve the user when required.

A laptop, an ipad, and a iphone. A search can happen on any device.

Also, being present for your reader/ customer/ consumer or recipient is one way to show up on the Search Engine Results Page.

In addition, one must also know to what extent one’s content is doing well. For this, you must conduct your content audit. Consequently, one must repurpose content if it works well and redistributes it across platforms.

Interlinking & Keyphrases

Although it’s 2023, some old habits die hard. One of them is the importance of Keywords. Keyword search is still important for one to rank well in the SERPs.

Consequently, when a browser finds a page doped with the necessary keywords, it’s bound to show up to the user before anything else

Another tactic: IN-TER-LINK-ING. Interlinking is key, and we can’t stop emphasizing it enough. It is important to interlink your website content and make it easier for the Google Search Console to crawl up and display your results. It improves your ranking amongst a sea of results. 

Besides, a post with a good amount of internal links and backlinks would perform well, of course, needless to say, you can stuff it with enough key phrases for the search engine to pull it and show it within the first 20 results.

User Intent

The user intent matters to SEO because results crawl in as per user needs. For a user searching for information, the SERP would show relevant links about the query.

Furthermore, user intent gives rise to conversions. A customer’s SERP, however, would show some e-commerce websites for purchase.

Thus, your content needs to be optimized to cater to user intent.

User Experience

A user’s experience goes a long way in turning a simple search into a conversion, a sale, or a button click. page scrolls and transactions. Concerning User Experience, there are two aspects one must always take care of.

  1. The design in terms of visuals. The color, the graphics, the art. These are the things that entice the users’ experience. It’s an artistic way to provide compelling and enriching content. 

Content strategists and UX designers can coordinate to make the display artsier while ensuring the speed to load the images on the site is fast for the user to assimilate the content provided with references.

  1. The medium of absorbing content. Is it a phone? Is it a tablet? Is it a desktop? And most of all, is your content optimized for the viewer’s screen and their necessity?

In the past few years, we’ve seen mobile-based searches have a lot of volumes, and more than 60% of all searches occur on mobile phones.

A phone displaying in google search webpage

Honestly, it’s easier for the user to connect their phones to the internet and complete a search in less than a minute than opening a system and searching for the information desired.

Thus, optimizing your content for mobile searches is of prime essence in 2023.

Further, you can continually optimize the processes with your digital marketing strategy and find out how to elevate your SEO for conversions entirely.

Voice Search Optimization / Conversational query

Many searches these days are keypad free, i.e. many people don’t strain themselves to type the words. Instead, they tap on Google’s Voice Assistant and ask the question.

Furthermore, Google has innovated LaMDA, a Language Model Dialogue Application, to enable the search engine to understand local queries and natural language processing (NLP). LaMDA shall help google in comprehending queries in natural languages while accepting and processing voice queries.

Consequently, we must craft our answers and content that is conversational and answers their query. The content must also be short, crisp, and deliver quickly to the user.

And while you’re busy crafting conversational, short, and crisp content, don’t forget to optimize the content for keyword/keyphrases.

Targeting Phrasing

Now, although one can’t stop stressing about the importance of keywords, a content strategy you can apply is utilizing synonyms of keywords you’re targeting in a lingo that’s specific to a certain region.

While performing regional marketing, one knows that some words have different lingos and slang in regional districts.

Thus, a successful strategy for maximum reach would be to create content that reaches the masses in a language/ lingo they understand. Reaching out to people in their language shows how much you care for your customers.

This tactic reaches the masses while bringing the traffic in!

AI Tools For Content

Artificial Intelligence. Ugh. That’s the dread I feel when I see my colleagues use AI bots for paraphrasing or grammar checks when their writer is at their service.

Nonetheless, as writers and content developers building SEO strategies, it’s a great idea to befriend your enemy who might put us out of our jobs. Besides, you know how the saying goes, ‘Keep your friends close and your enemies closer’.

And why not! I think it’d be an amazing idea to use a robot to hasten the process of content creation or content optimization. There are many content optimization tools for us to explore, one better than the other, Grammarly, Hemingway, and QuillBot AI.

E-A-T: Expertise – Authority – Trust

Practicing the E-A-T protocol is a sure method to build your SEO score! E-A-T debuted in Google’s Search Quality Guidelines in 2014.

Moreover, a copy that follows E-A-T is bound to stand out almost in any search browser. It makes sure your content does well and stands well on the test of time. It also rewards your SEO strategies pretty well.

Further, showcasing that you’re an expert in your field provides thorough content for the user who needs the information to learn, research, survey, and understand. Yet, one must beware of the keyphrases used to make it stand out.

As an expert, make sure to provide short, simplified content that speaks to the reader directly without wasting much time while providing clarity on the subject.

Your post gains authority when your articles, blogs, posts, and other forms of content get recognized and backlinked to you. 

Being in a niche industry, talking about a smaller niche within the domain space must stand out if it needs to gain attention. 

Others linking to your sites prove how authentic and genuine it is, thus establishing authority over the niche topic you speak about.

Trust comes in as soon as the other two are set. Once we know that this post was by a specialist and by someone who is referred to, one can confidently trust the words of the man to review and create quality content.

Google loves good quality. If your content is of good quality, Google will showcase the content on its results page, no doubt!


In summation, there are 8 amazing SEO strategies in 2023 you can follow and gain your webpages to the top of the list by Google or any other SERP! The 8 SEO strategies you must focus in 2023 are:

  1. Content Distribution
  2. Keyphrases and Interlinking
  3. User Intent
  4. User Experience
  5. Voice Search Optimization
  6. Target Phrasing
  7. AI Tools
  8. E-A-T Protocol

It is of utmost importance to ensure your webpage gets noticed and linked to. And if you’re looking out for content writers who can optimize your web pages, contact us!

Our content writing services provide you with fresh and clean SEO-optimized copies that are plagiarism free!