Lampros Tech

What Is a Pitch Deck?

Do you dream about earning billions and millions of dollars with your pitch deck through your business idea? Are you inspired by a business idea that possesses the power to change the world?

If yes, then you would need a plan to execute your business plan into a concrete idea and attract funding. The main challenge is to raise the initial funding for your startup and make your business attract its funding.

Well, you can overcome this challenge in the initial phase itself by creating a pitch deck presentation for your idea. Therefore the pitch deck that you will present will play a pivotal role in creating a buzz amongst potential investors.

We are talking about how a pitch deck can help you attract your investors by engaging them with your idea. Yet in case you don’t know how do you create one, then we are here with a comprehensive guide.

Meaning Of a Pitch Deck:

How Do You Present Yourself In a Pitch Presentation

A pitch deck, also known as a slide deck or a deck for a start-up is a document/presentation. It provides a comprehensive overview of your business idea and proposal.

The pitch deck document must cover the key points about your business plan, the products, and the services that you offer. It should also include an integrated forecast of your financial projections and funding needs.

If we had to tell you in simple words then your pitch deck is a visual document that will help you convey the story of your business.

pitch deck slide view

Why Do You Need a Pitch Deck?

We have talked a lot about pitch decks and you must have also heard this term end several times. We have talked a lot about pitch decks and you must have also heard this term end several times. Several startups like Facebook, Uber, Airbnb which have now turned into multi-crore organizations have all used pitch decks.

A pitch deck document is truly a must-have for you to attract funding from potential investors. It depicts your business plan in a well-planned and structured way. In addition, it also engages and interests the prospective investor to invest in your business.

The emergence of startups is increasing all over the world and the recent statistics reveal that the United States is the leading country by the number of startups (63,703) by a long shot. The second on the list is India, with just 8,301 startups, and the third spot is occupied by the UK, with 5,377 startups.

With so many startups increasing in the world especially in U.S.A and India we can imagine the ideas that would be propping up every day. If you want your idea to see the light of the day, then you must have a solid pitch deck to attract your client in one go.

Another interesting yet singular data reveals that there are more than a thousand pitch deck-up presentations created every day. A point of fact believed to be true is these numbers of pitches are created in San Francisco, California each day. With several major surpassing the tech hubs of San Francisco and major cities like New York, Chicago, Houston in the USA and cities like Bengaluru, Mumbai, Ahmedabad in India thriving and surging around the world, many more pitch decks are out there is likewise to increase.

The number of startups and pitch decks is growing in significant numbers, the investors would find pitches overwhelming. Specifically, if you want to stand out then you must offer a solid pitch deck business plan. For that, you must create an exclusive and comprehensive presentation.

To create the perfect pitch deck plan you must know -what are the different types of pitch decks, what to include in your deck along with the idea of how to present or propose your pitch deck plan. To make it easy for you, we have covered all this information for you in the blog.

What Are the Different Types of Pitch Decks?

Developing the right pitch deck for your target audience is a challenge and creativity in itself. To develop the right pitch, you must have the right knowledge about different types of pitches. Here we have shared below the three most common types of pitch decks that are useful in daily life.

1. The Startup Pitch: The startup pitch or the pitch for upcoming entrepreneurs is a type of pitch that you will have to deliver with a very compelling message. It is for everyone who wants to own a start-up someday.

A startup pitch generally is a ten to fifteen slide document that has an overview of your business idea and attracts potential investors. If you were to propose your startup pitch document today then it may include information namely about the company, size, possible solution, business idea and revenue model.

2. The Vision Opportunity Pitch: -A business is guided by a mission and inspired by a vision so that is the very first step of activating your business. The second step in the process is to attract funding through your vision and mission by creating a vision opportunity.

It would particularly help the people who are venturing new into the market that has not been explored before. The pitch deck for a vision opportunity pitch can include the details about the vision of the team. A series of information specifically focused upon the overview and elevator pitch of the organization will also be useful.

 3. The Solution-Oriented Pitch:-The most emerging prototype of business across the globe are solving an existential problem by offering a solution. If you aim to solve a widespread problem then this is the perfect pitch for you.

The pitch must offer a novel solution to the problem. Your pitch can have details like cover slides, business plans and solutions to the problem.

What Should You Include in a Pitch Deck?

It is indeed crucial to understand the right nuances and requirements of what to include in a pitch deck. Having the right set of knowledge would simultaneously increase your chances of attracting your potential investors quicker. Accordingly, here are a few things that you must add to your pitch deck –

  1. Problem to which it is proposing a solution.
  2. The vision that has inspired your idea.
  3. Unique Value Proposition that you shall offer.
  4. The team shall be the face of the project.
  5. Milestones that you shall be trying to attain on each level.
  6. Business Model that you have adopted. 
  7. The competition that you will face in the market.
  8. Ask about the questions that potential investors might have.

How to Structure a Pitch Deck?

things to add in a pitch deck presentation

 A good pitch document narrates itself in the slides simultaneously with the oral pitch that you are presenting. If you want to create the most successful pitch for your client then you must start by putting together all the relevant content. Let the structure follow into the story and design it to convey your message as simple and clear as possible.

Generally, everyone has their style and method of creating their pitch deck presentations. To help you create an ideal pitch deck structure, we have created a guide on what could be the perfect structure. Below mentioned are a few points that pave way for an ideal pitch deck structure-

  1. Title: The slide should have information about the company name, logo, and one-liner mission about what you do.
  2. Problem: The slide should focus on the aspect of what’s wrong with how the world currently works.
  3. Solution: The slides should focus on providing the solution to the problem that you have outlined. 
  4. Traction: The slide should focus on deliberating PMF as demonstrated by your numbers and predictions.
  5. Market: The slide should discuss the target market and who are the potential customers.
  6. Competition: The slides should have a clear outline of who are your competitors.
  7. Vision: The slide should mention the vision of your company and how you plan to grow.
  8. Team: The slide should mention the team that shall work on the project and how would they contribute to making the project successful.
  9. Use of funds: The slide should mention the fundings that you shall require at each stage.

Examples of Pitch Decks:

Just like you are required to create pitch deck presentations for your business plan, some of the most successful that we see now have also created their pitch deck presentations. To demonstrate how you should create the perfect pitch deck presentations, we are sharing a few examples with you here –

  • Mint: The Mint is a personal financial services tool that helps people in tracking their finances and helps them with ways to save money. To illustrate,the pitch deck example is a powerful deck that startups can learn from.It’s simple deck provides a clear value proposition to customers and investors and the creators of this deck also understood that one of the key concerns of an investor is the exit mechanism of his or her investments. 
  • Airbnb: We have all heard about Airbnb at some point in time and allows people to rent their places. The company is one of the perfect start-up success stories. Its pitch deck has become a most used reference for entrepreneurs around the world.The key takeaway from this pitch deck is that it is all about hooking your audience. You need to describe your business using as few words as possible. 


How to Send Your Pitch Deck?

email image for how to send picthdeck

Now that you know about how you should create a pitch deck and what you should include. The next and most important question that you would have is about how to send your pitch deck to potential clients.

Firstly we suggest sending cold emails and reaching out via DM’s on social media networks. Furthermore, In-person networking and attending online pitch events are also good ways. Beyond using first-hand connections, using consultants is also a good way to pitch to clients.

Concerning how to send your Pitch Deck to a potential client do have this on the back of your mind that you are probably either going to email the Pitch Deck as an attachment or provide a private link for access online, like in Google Drive. 

A quick tip when emailing cold connections, pay special attention to which address your mailing is from. Alongside do pay a special emphasis on your subject line and the body. You’ve got to stand out and motivate them to view it.

In conclusion, we are sure that all the information that we have shared with you, will help you create the perfect pitch deck presentation. It will also help you attract your potential investor. Wishing you luck with your start-up venture.

We at Lampros Tech provide exclusive services for website development, app development, content and SEO creation, branding, and various ed- tech services across India and U.S.A. Do get in touch to know more about our products and services.


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