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What Is Proof Of History?

Proof of History is a consensus algorithm that improves the scalability and efficiency of blockchain systems. It uses a verifiable delay function to create a secure and unique timestamp. The timestamp for each block ensures that the order of the transactions does not change. This allows nodes to reach consensus quickly and efficiently without requiring much computational power. 

Proof of History can revolutionize blockchain technology by making it faster and more efficient, strengthening security and reliability. 

The Need for Proof of History

The need for Proof of History (PoH) stems from the limitations of existing consensus algorithms. Traditional consensus algorithms like Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS) are computationally intensive. It requires nodes to solve complex mathematical problems or stake significant amounts of cryptocurrency to participate in the network. This limits the scalability of blockchain systems and is prone to centralization because only those with computational power or cryptocurrency holdings can participate.

Consequently, the PoH addresses these issues through a verifiable delay function to create a unique and secure timestamp for each block. This allows nodes to quickly and efficiently reach consensus without requiring extensive computational resources or significant amounts of cryptocurrency. PoH also ensures that the order of transactions does not alter. Thus, providing a high level of security and reliability.

Further, the need for PoH testifies as various industries such as finance, supply chain management and healthcare are trying to be more transparent.

Overall, the need for PoH stems from the need for a more scalable, efficient, and secure consensus algorithm that can meet the demands of modern blockchain technology.

The Mechanism of Proof Of History

Proof of History (PoH) is a consensus algorithm that uses a verifiable delay function (VDF). The VDF creates a secure and unique timestamp for each block in the network. The timestamp serves as proof of the block’s order. It also ensures that the block cannot change without altering the timestamps of all subsequent blocks. This mechanism provides a high level of security and makes PoH an attractive alternative to PoW and PoS.

The mechanism of PoH works as follows. Firstly, a VDF gets applied to a random seed value.This in turn generates a unique and unpredictable output. This output becomes the timestamp for the next block in the chain. Each subsequent block includes the timestamp of the previous block. 

Eventually, creating a chronological sequence of blocks with immutable timestamps.

Consequently, the VDF used in PoH is computationally intensive, requiring a significant time to generate the output. This delay ensures that block creation is at a predictable rate. Creating blocks at a predictable rate allows nodes to reach consensus quickly and efficiently without requiring higher computational power.

Overall, the mechanism of PoH provides a highly secure and efficient way to create a blockchain network, allowing for faster transaction processing and greater scalability.

The Benefits of Proof Of History

Proof of History (PoH) offers several benefits over traditional consensus algorithms like Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS). Some of the key benefits of PoH are:

  1. Scalability: PoH is highly scalable, allowing blockchain networks to process many transactions quickly and efficiently. Efficiency is achieved by a verifiable delay function (VDF) to create a unique and secure timestamp for each block, eliminating the need for computationally intensive mining or staking processes.
  2. Efficiency: PoH is also highly efficient due to the lower computational power required to create each block. This makes it a more environmentally friendly alternative to PoW.
  3. Security: PoH provides a high level of security by a unique and secure timestamps. The time stamps are different for each block. This ensures that alteration of the order of transactions was impossible. This makes it an attractive alternative to PoS, which can be vulnerable to attacks by those with a large stake in the network.
  4. Reliability: The chronological sequence of blocks created by PoH ensures network reliability. This is because the timestamps become virtually impossible to alter transactions once recorded.

Overall, the benefits of PoH make it a promising alternative to traditional consensus algorithms, offering faster transaction processing, greater scalability, and a high level of security and reliability.

Blockchains Using PoH

Many blockchain projects and protocols are using the POH consensus mechanism. Some of the most notable blockchains that use PoH are:

  1. Solana: Solana is a high-performance blockchain that uses PoH as its primary consensus algorithm. The combination of PoH with a novel consensus algorithm called Proof of Stake, known as Proof of History with Proof of Stake (PoH+PoS), allows Solana to process up to 65,000 transactions per second.
  2. Serum: Serum is a decentralized exchange (DEX) built on the Solana blockchain that also uses PoH as its consensus algorithm. This allows Serum to offer fast and efficient trading for its users.
  3. StarAtlas: StarAtlas is a blockchain-based gaming platform that uses PoH to ensure the order and reliability of in-game transactions.
  4. Mango Markets: Mango Markets is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform built on Solana that uses PoH to ensure the security and efficiency of its trading processes.

Overall, a variety of blockchain projects use PoH as a consensus algorithm. Blockchains for gaming, DeFi, and DEXs, choose POH for offering faster transaction processing, greater scalability, and a high level of security and reliability.


Proof of History is a consensus algorithm that functions with a timestamp function. The time stamp present in each block is a proof of history that the block was created.

The alteration of the timestamp is impossible, which makes the change of data or order of transactions immutable. The timestamp serves as a proof about its history.

PoH is necessary to decentralize the web while being eco-friendly to the environment. Considering the multiple benefits of POH, many blockchains and protocols have adopted the consensus, reaching a greater level of scalability, security, and efficiency.

Did You Know: Delegates in the DPoS consensus are also known as ‘Witnesses’ as they witness the formation of the new block.

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